- Engineering and Design
- Instrumentation & Controls
- Supporting Documentation
Design Features
- Quality Assurance in accordance with the Asia Group Procedure set
- Control System Design
- EnergySolutions
- Fukushima, Japan
- Daiichi Nuclear Plant
Fukushima, Japan was hit by an earthquake and subsequent tsunami in March 2011. Significant damage occurred to the reactor facilities. To cool the reactors, seawater was used. Due to core melting, significant quantities of radionuclides were transferred from the reactor core to the water.
The Daiichi Liquid Waste Processing (DLWP) system is being designed to treat the liquid radiological waste.
Columbia Energy participated in the conceptual design of the control system by providing Control Philosophy Documentation, I/O List, Instrument List, Process & Instrumentation Diagrams (P&ID), System Design Descriptions, and Datasheets.
Columbia Energy engineers provided on-site support for the commissioning of the DLWP system.