Our environmental staff coordinates with technical leads, technical representatives, engineers, and managers in the following areas:
- Radioactive and hazardous waste management
- Air, water, RCRA, TSCA, and construction permitting
- Facility compliance
- Environmental Impact Statements and Environmental Assessments
- Environmental and human health risk assessments
- Field investigations and remedial actions
- Groundwater, surface water, and soil sampling analysis
- Air quality monitoring and modeling
- Waste designation, packaging, shipping, and tracking
- Chemical inventory management
- Environmental site assessments
- Tank integrity and leak detection
- Radioactive materials handling licensing
- Radioactive site characterization
- Low energy radiation detection
Columbia Energy’s environmental staff has experience supporting commercial and government facilities. Our staff includes geologists, hydrologists, chemists, physicists, and environmental scientists. We have expertise in the following regulatory programs:
- National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
- Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA)
- Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)
- Clean Air Act
- Clean Water Act
- Hazardous Waste Management Act
- Land Disposal Restrictions
- Atomic Energy Act
- Nuclear Energy & Radiation Act
We have provided environmental services to the following agencies:
- CH2M Hill Hanford Group
- CH2M Hill – Plateau Remediation Company (CHPRC)
- EnergySolutions
- Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- Washington Closure Hanford
- Department of Energy, Office of River Protection
- Department of Energy, Environmental Management
- Washington River Protection Solutions, LLC
“You have done a tremendous job on this document! You worked well with the Project folks, and also teamed well with our folks. This was a difficult task and you raised the bar for what future environmental plans. Thanks for your support!!”
We Columbia Energy Environmental Staff received the "Environmental Excellence Award for 2010" for exemplary work on fast track, high priority DOE Hanford environmental documents and plans from Washington River Protection Solutions.